MeCCSA PGN 2017 Borders & Boundaries Territories, Technologies, Transgressions

MeCCSA PGN 2017 Borders & Boundaries Territories, Technologies, Transgressions:

”The 14th MeCCSA Post-Graduate Network Conference will be held in London on June 26-27 2017. We are inviting contributions from a wide range of disciplines as well as from artists and activists. This conference is jointly hosted by the Departments of Media and Communications at LSE and Goldsmiths, with additional support by MeCCSA, the LSE Student Union’s Annual Fund and CHASE.”

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Information Age VS Experience Age (Discussion)

So, one of my ex-peers from the master (who is doing great visual work like this one) recently tweeted this article and I quite liked the topic and had some comments on which I will now use verbiage (which is sort of my thing XD) to discuss down below…

Full article discussed here

The article talks about how we are coming to the end of the Information Age in which accumulation of information was the main goal of creating a profile, sort of an archive of all the things you did as a representation of who you are (Facebook) and the realization that in the Experience age maybe the collection of all your memories is not who you are anymore…

Or in their more articulated words:

“You are not your profile

To illustrate how this is playing out, think of Facebook and Snapchat.

Facebook is an Information Age native. Along with other social networks of its generation, Facebook was built on a principle of the desktop era —  accumulation.

Accumulation manifests in a digital profile where my identity is the sum of all the information I’ve saved —  text, photos, videos, web pages. (Evan Spiegel explored this first in a 2015 YouTube video titled What is Snapchat?). In the Information Age we represented ourselves with this digital profile.

But mobile has changed how we view digital identity. With a connected camera televising our life in-the-moment, accumulated information takes a back seat to continual self-expression. The “virtual self” is becoming less evident. I may be the result of everything I’ve done, but I’m not the accumulation of it. Snapchat is native to this new reality.

You are not a profile. You are simply you.

Many people think Snapchat is all about secrecy, but the real innovation of Snapchat’s ephemeral messages isn’t that they self-destruct. It’s that they force us to break the accumulation habit we brought over from desktop computing. The result is that the profile is no longer the center of the social universe. In the Experience Age you are not a profile. You are simply you.”

(Mike Wadhera, 2016)

I can clearly see the end of this accumulation era on facebook’s lack of new content to represent who you are, we no longer (at least in my case) go to others people’s wall to “see their profile” and get and idea of who they are rather than at the beginning of adding someone as a friend (and that’s just to see friends in common), we now tend to share funny videos and interesting content that we find relevant or feel angered by (I believe this content also shares a part of who we are but it is not as distinguishable as to which part reflects or aligns to our personality and which is reflecting our discomfort, are we sharing because we believe in the message? or are we sharing a satirical point of view? or just because?)

Another proof is Facebook’s own remember this memory from X years ago and remember this status update (both things that maybe you don’t do anymore or just sporadically but Facebook is still trying to remind you with the aim to get you to talk and build on that past memory)

So…For accumulation -> Identity = all the things I have ever done -> who I am
whereas Snapchat -> Identity = continual self-expression

But I’m not sure I get the idea of the Experience Age, because I understand that Snapchat is changing narrative into a visual perspective but is it the article then using Experience in the sense we experience the narrative different from going from text to image? or experience in the way we relate to technology and archiving? 

The experience stack.

At the bottom is Layer 0, the real world. The full stack is in service of capturing and communicating real-world moments. Reality is its foundation.

Moving on I’m also struggling with the experience stack and having a real life moment in “real-world” comparison with a “online and offline identity” mentioned later, because I believe there is no longer an online and offline identity, they are merged and co-evolve just like we do with technology (Posthuman) our identities are converged by how we use technology but also on how we change that technology so I’m gonna go with the assumption that experience is on how we interact with technology…

Enough for now, I don’t think It makes much sense now but remember this is just verbiage to take thoughts out of my head.

Por su atención, gracias.

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